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Social media (and basically all technology) is designed to hijack your brain and nervous system, taking advantage of what makes us most human: our desire for connection & curiosity about the world. In this workshop, participants explore how social media & technology are designed to be addictive, to capture and steal our attention, and what's happening internally to our bodies as we use. 


Digital Minimalism, a practice of disconnecting in order to connect with the world around us, can help us discover what tech we actually need in our lives to fulfill our goals and life's purpose, and what tech or time on techcan be cut out. Participants will learn about various applicable Digital Minimalism exercises they can experiment with to change their relationship to technology, and come away with concrete DM practices they can start using immediately.


This video is a recording of a live workshop with Get Right Wellness. Sliding scale is available if you are a queer or trans person of color, chronically ill &/or disabled person, or a sw. Please email me for the code.


Please download workshop immediatley after purchase or within 30 days, download expires after that time.


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Digital Minimalism

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